Tuesday, February 26, 2008


- One big factor that I tried to incorporate in the playground was space. Based on my observations, children were allowed to be more creative and thus have more fun simply by providing more space for them to create in.

- A wide range of activities also allows children to participate in the interest that suits them the most. This factor will not only keep the children there for longer, but it will also make them want to come back in the future.

- Parental convenience is another major issue. The trick to any successful playground is to not only attract the kids, but to attract the parents as well. By integrating an abundance of comfortable rest areas, bathrooms, and snack carts parents will be more likely to take their kids to this playground then to another that lacks these key elements.

-Safety is my greatest concern. Even though the playground has many elements of height, there is no danger to the children. Strong, cross-threaded nets will cover any perceivable danger of falling and ensure the safety of every soul in the park.

- Every aspect of the playground will be themed around the Robin Hood story. The attention to detail will inspire those who visit the park, parents and kids alike, and will ensure their return.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The park itself is enormous covering over 10 acres of land. It will be located in Naples Florida just one mile south of Pelican Marsh elementary school. Access to the park is ideal considering the nearby school and the many neighborhoods surrounding the area. Only one wide path leads into the park, which is a scenic route into Sherwood Forest.


Hundreds of tall, redwood-like trees surrounding the park will give it a sense of isolation, and it will immerse the guest in the world of Robin Hood. The arrangement of trees along the edges of the fort are such that a guest will truly feel as though he/she is among the trees of Sherwood Forest.

The bulk of the park consists of tree houses and bridges which vary in height amongst the trees. There are four levels of elevation. The entrance and first level of the tree fort will begin in the north-east section of the park. Wide paths and spacious rooms allow for easy maneuverability throughout the entirety of the fort. The bridges are all netted in to ensure the safety of guests The second level of elevation consists of the first room on the north side of the fort and the treasure room.


The treasure room will act as the base and center for the rest of the fort. From there, guests can access other rooms, bridges, slides, and passageways. This room will also act as the “climbing” room. Here, guests can enjoy climbing on the numerous chests and boxes of treasure that fill the room. Cargo nets and ropes also add to the climbing experience. One of two tube slides rests in the east section of the room. A winding staircase leads guests up to a second floor, where the second tube slide awaits their arrival.


The third level of elevation consists of four major elements of the park; the “Sherwood Slides”, “Caution Crossing”, “Little Jon’s Ball crawl”, and “Crossbow Crossing.” There are seven open faced slides in the Sherwood Slides. Caution Crossing is a series of jagged and confusing nets. But unlike the solid floors of the bridges in the rest of the fort, Caution Crossing contains paths of nets only.


Crossbow Crossing is an enclosed bridge containing nine water guns shaped like crossbows. These water guns are situated on the north side of the bridge overlooking the Water Hole. The water used by the guns is recycled into the water system underneath the Water Hole area.


Little Jon’s Ball crawl mainly consists of a large bowl shaped area that is three feet deep. A winding staircase leads guests to a second floor where a slide brings them safely down into the stew of colored balls. The ball crawl itself is lined with nets to ensure the safety of guests as the play. Another significant aspect of Little Jon’s ball crawl is that it is the only outlet to the parks highest level, Duncan’s lookout.


The fourth and highest level in the entire park is Duncan’s lookout. Although this is one of the smallest rooms in the entire tree fort, it provides guests with a thrilling ride down the longest slide in the park. The long slide empties guests into a pit of soft, beach like sand. Since getting to this level takes a fair amount of time, guests will feel a sense of accomplishment when they reach the bottom again.


Two large groupings of see-saws, swings, and carousels give more youthful visitors an area of play away from the bustling activities of the tree fort. The groups are situated on the outskirts of the park in order to allow for ample vision by parents on the younger children. These areas are also based in soft, beach like sand to provide even more security.


Azeem’s Swing Trees are located on the east side of the park. Six large, artificial trees provide the more athletic visitors with enough space to swing on its many ropes and tires.


Twenty one spectator cabins line the entire park. Here, parents and guardians of all ages can enjoy a relaxing day. The cabins consist of a cement base, artificial log columns, a long wooden bench, and an artificial wooden roof for shade and protection from the elements.


A large bathroom facility is located on the opposite side of the entrance path near the parking lot. And to further add to the convenience of the park, a drink stand has been placed at the entrance of the park. The stand sells a wide variety of sodas, teas, lemonades, and bottled water, not to mention a drinking fountain for those less willing to pay for refreshment.